我们将整个公寓划分为公共空间以及私密空间两个大的部分. 私密空间的部分我们尽量用半围合的方式来划分功能区域,使本不太大的房间也有更开敞明亮的效果。公共空间的部分,我们没有做传统意义上的客厅餐厅等空间划分,而是取消房间之间的分隔,制造了不同的功能区域分布在各处,让居住者能够在不受房间的限制,自由的在一个空间中进行各种活动。
我们将整个公寓划分为公共空间以及私密空间两个大的部分. 私密空间的部分我们尽量用半围合的方式来划分功能区域,使本不太大的房间也有更开敞明亮的效果。公共空间的部分,我们没有做传统意义上的客厅餐厅等空间划分,而是取消房间之间的分隔,制造了不同的功能区域分布在各处,让居住者能够在不受房间的限制,自由的在一个空间中进行各种活动。
公寓入口,apartment entrance
入口紧邻的厨房空间-公共空间部分取消房间之间的分隔,kitchen area near the entrance-public room without partitions
私密的卧室空间用低矮的墙面形成半围合空间,具有开敞明亮的效果,in private bedroom, designers use a low-wall to separate powder room and the bed, in order to make the space bigger and brighter
私密的卧室空间用低矮的墙面形成半围合空间,具有开敞明亮的效果,in private bedroom, designers use a low-wall to separate powder room and the bed, in order to make the space bigger and brighter
公共空间通过一个并不高的台阶划分成了上下两个部分,designers use a step to separate the public room into “up” and “down” parts
居家使用时上部作为相对独立的休闲起居室,配置小型可移动的家具,when it switches to the “home mode”, the “up part”, as a relatively independent living space containing the small size and portable furniture, serve as the relaxation area to the private room
当需进行瑜伽活动的时候,上部起居室的茶几和坐垫移动到下部空间跟原本用来换鞋的沙发搭配,成为“瑜伽馆”的休息等候区,when it switches to the “yoga mode”, the portable furniture could be removed from the “up part” and be combined with the sofa in the “down part”, creating a waiting area
柜门全部翻转为镜面,起居室变成一个适合瑜伽练习的场所,by reversing the wardrobe doors, it can turn the “up part” into a perfect place for yoga exercise with the whole wall of mirrors
柜门全部翻转为镜面,起居室变成一个适合瑜伽练习的场所,by reversing the wardrobe doors, it can turn the “up part” into a perfect place for yoga exercise with the whole wall of mirrors
阳台的小部分空间用植物进行装饰,designers sacrifice a small area of the existing balcony for gardening
橱柜及一侧阅读空间,furniture and reading area
橱柜及一侧阅读空间,furniture and reading area
家里的卫生间,bathroom at home