

设计服务商: 上海一间白建筑设计有限公司 去设计师主页 >>
办公地址: 上海 上海市 奉贤区
团队规模: 10-50人
注册年份: 2019
年营业收入: 600万元以下
服务点赞数: 位用户点过赞
项目名称: 美丽宝贝艺术摄影空间
设计服务类型: 室内装饰设计(平面图,效果图,施工图)
项目类型: 商业空间-一般商业空间
项目状态: 项目完成
项目地点: 天津 天津市 天津市, 天津, 中国, 东亚
设计风格: 现代主义风格
项目档次: 简装型(2星级)
项目信息 概念 美丽宝贝艺术摄影空间 地址 天津市南开区城厢中路鼓楼北街13号 面积 2000 m2
以往每当项目完成时我都喜欢自己拿着相机现场拍摄,虽然谈不上专业,但这却是我和现实空间最有效的对话。这是个在天津的影楼,一个专业拍摄影像的地方,于是今天我想谈谈关于摄影。 I like shooting something on the spot with my camper when I finish the project in the past. It might not be professional; however, it is the most effective dialogue between me and the reality. This is a photo studio in Tianjin, a professional video shooting place.Today I want to talk about photography.
我们与正在消失的东西做着游戏,并且,当它们消失后,是不可能让它们复活的。对我们来说,消失的东西,永远地消失了。仍旧存在却已经过去了,这就是处于拍摄瞬间的身体和物体。 We are playing games with things that are going to disappear. When they really disappear, there is no way to bring them back to life. For us, the things that disappear will no longer exist. Things that still exist have passed away. This is the body and object at the moment of shooting.
摄影是生命、机器、外界三足鼎立的战场,是一种承担着感情与无意识的领域, 敢于直面混沌不清的人类状态的精神。当我带着情感拍摄着自己设计的空间,它开始不再像开始。 Photography is the battlefield of three things: life, machine, and the outside world, is a realm that carries emotions and unconsciousness. Shooting could be able to face the human spirits in chaos. It no longer be the beginning when I photographed the space I designed with sentiments.
在拍摄着地面的红砖时,红砖让我印象很深,让我想起了童年,心里觉得很暖。我闭起眼睛,让视觉的记忆影像在脑波上流动,我可以使图像停格、快转、倒叙、重叠,我在视觉的内视系统里显影了心事的图像。也能意识到艺术里的视觉,通常不只是视觉,而是心事。 When I photograph the red bricks on the ground that impressed me a lot. It reminded me of my childhood; and my heart felt very warm. I closed my eyes to make the visual memory images flow on my mind. The images can stop, fast forward, flashback, and overlap. I can identify the images of my mind in the internal vision system and also realize the vision in art. It’s
拍摄这期照片,在空间里待上一天,来来回回,反反复复游荡。照片一向被视为记忆之宫的材料。拍照、观看照片,保存照片,多少都是某种形式的哀悼工作。新数码影像机制不再哀悼,不尽全然否定记忆。可以重复一再改写的存储器、 photoshop 改变拍摄行为的意义。拍照不再是一种仪式,一种私密对话,它更近似强制重复表现的姿态,为了展现、暴露当下此刻。而我通常不大喜欢把事物拍的全面,我不想空间被影像赤裸裸的展露,我有我的心事,而空间 有空间的心事。 It took me all day in space to take this series of photos, wandering back and forth, again and again. Photos have always been regarded as materials in the palace of memory. Taking photos, viewing photos, and saving photos are a form of mourning to some extent. The new digital ima
所有的照片都是暧昧的,都是从一种连续性中被拿了出来。如果这事件是一个公共事件,那么连续性就是历史;如果它是私人的,那么连续性就是一个生命故事,当然,它在照片中已经被打断。甚至是纯粹的风景照片也被打断了连续性;那是光,抑或天气的不连续。不连续总是会制造暧昧,但这种暧昧通常没有那么明显。 All the photos are ambiguous and are taken out of a series of continuity. If it can be regarded as the public event, then continuity will be history; if it is private, then continuity is a life story, of course, which has been interrupted in the photo. Even the continuity of a simple landscape photo has been interrupted; for the discontinuity of light or
我们的视觉是否太骚乱,找不到焦点,找不到关心的对象,我们的视觉好像塞满了杂乱的图像,失去了‘观想’的能力。是不是只有把视觉的杂质都沉淀了,才能发现那么纯粹的线条与造型。 I wonder whether our vision is too turbulent. We cannot find the focus or the object of concern. Our vision seems to be full of messy images, lacking of the ability to “visualize and think”. Only by depositing the impurity of visual can we find such pure lines and shapes, isn’t it?
每一个人拥有的眼睛构造,应该没有太大的差别。但是每一个人视觉观看的方法、视觉思维的能力却都不一样。早期拍摄项目照片时,面对瞬息万变的视角,一张一张地拍下去,不断按快门,好像生怕遗漏些什么。而现在,从最早的快门亢奋慢慢冷静下来,也会发现,再精密进步的照相机,也会有遗漏,同样,再锐利准确的视觉也无法看完全部的人生。于是记录项目的全貌对于我来说也就不那么迫切了,而用图像传递一些心事却变得更有意义了。 There should not be much difference of our eye structure. But there are definitely great differences of everyone's visual viewing method and visual thinking ability. When I took photos of the project earlier, facing the ever-changing perspective, I took the photos one by one and kept pressing the sh
图像虽可以传递信息,但我希望它是带着心事的气息。美在理性的边缘,使我们冥想,使我们可以凭借一点心事,飞向尚未被科学证明的辽广领域。 Although images can convey information, I still hope that it will be information with thoughts. Beauty is on the edge of reason, which enable us meditate. Therefore, we can fly to the vast realm that has not been scientifically by a little thought.
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